Monday, November 29, 2010

It's that time of year again!

Head aches and warm drinks abound. Yes it's here again folks. This time of year means many different things to many different people, no matter what you celebrate let's all agree it's the best time of year for family and friends.. And let's face it, it's also the best time of year to lose ones mind. I have many fond memories of this time of year and enjoy looking back at how things have changed over the years, yet when it all comes down to it ones old traditions still hold a place near and dear.

I have been working overtime on my handmade items and getting them listed, my world right now it a wirl wind of yarn, promoting and new additions.

The yarn I am up to my ears in scarves, hats, ornaments, cute dolls and more ..

Promoting well that says a lot for itself but I'll be shameless and pose a link in here too .. Check out my handy work.

And then we have the new additions. Two little Guinea Pigs found themselves looking for a home for the holidays and I opened my heart and my home to these little fellows. So I enterduce you to

Peatnut and Simba (see top) ..
Well I really should get some work done today.. Happy Busy Time of Year All!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad Kitty

So I had worked for a few weeks on an Afghan I had planned to sell.. Well my beloved pain in the butt cat had better ideas for said Afghan. She had gotten into my office and decided it was a nice place to lay.. Seeing as it was made from caron simply soft, her nails picked it up. She looked so proud of her work too.. So long story short , what was not ment to be mine now is thanks to the handy work of my furry friend.

What did I learn?

To keep the door shut at all times!

Ok my hooks are lonely so I am out
